Funded school travel
for SCC funded school travel
before 31 May 2025.
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Children, families and learning
School term and holiday dates
Applying for a school place
Community health for children aged 0-5
Apply for free school meals
Report child safeguarding concern
Move to a different school
Roads and transport
Roadworks in Suffolk
Temporary roadworks
Road markings and road studs
Apply for a free bus pass
Report a highways issue
Apply for a Blue Badge
Council and democracy
Council news
Council salaries
Find your councillor
Council tax
Members of Parliament
Borough, district and town councils
Care and support for adults
How adult social care can help
Caring for someone
Local community support
Protecting people at risk of abuse
Paying for care
Self-assess your needs
Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service
What to do if there's a fire at home
Fire safety regulations
Being a wholetime firefighter
Fire safety in the home
Winter Matters
Fire stations in Suffolk
Planning, waste and environment
Book a Recycling Centre time slot
Planning applications
View a planning application
Waste and recycling
Sizewell C nuclear power plant
Community and safety
Local Welfare Assistance Scheme
Cost of living support
Help for Households
Warm Homes Healthy People
Support for Ukraine
Jobs and careers
Find a teaching job
Careers advice and guidance
Support finding employment
Births, deaths and ceremonies
Register a birth
Register a death
Contact a Register Office
Suffolk Registration Service fees
Current tenders and opportunities
Climate Change Commercial Ask
Social value
IT services (schools/academies)
Suffolk County Farms Estate
Culture, heritage and leisure
The Historic Environment Record
parkrun in Suffolk
Archaeological planning advice
Archaeology charging schedule
Suffolk Arts Service
Archaeological Archives service
Suffolk Trading Standards
Report an issue
Find a weighbridge
No Cold Calling Zones and No Cold Calling stickers
Certificates or licences
Product safety advice and recalls
Pay for school meals
Pay for a school trip
School penalty notices and how to pay
Pay an invoice
Pay for a highway licence
Pay for school uniforms
Pay for a music activity
Pay for a road safety training course
Paying for the cost of your child's learning
Pay a Street Works Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN)
Report a child at risk of harm, abuse or neglect (safeguarding)
Report a highways issue
Report abuse of an adult (safeguarding)
Report a faulty street light
Report a pothole
Report a public right of way issue
Report a blocked drain
Report an issue to Trading Standards
Report a flood in Suffolk
Report the death of a Blue Badge holder
Report a tree or hedge affecting the highway
Report debris, weeds or mud on the road
Report a traffic light or signal problem
Report an obscured, missing or damaged sign
Report a problem with a manhole cover
Road Traffic Collision Data and Developer Reports
Report a faulty lit sign or bollard
Report an incident with a heavy goods vehicle
Report missing or faded road markings
Report a problem with a bridge or highway structure
Report fraud
Report a traffic sign defect
Report a problem with a cycle lane
Report a grass cutting problem
Report a problem with barriers or guardrails
Report a damaged fire hydrant
Report a pavement defect
Apply for a school place
Apply for a free travel bus pass or travel vouchers
Apply for free school meals
Apply or re-apply for a Blue Badge
Housing related support
Apply for a birth certificate
Apply and pay for a new dropped kerb/ vehicle access
Apply for a marriage or civil partnership certificate
Apply for a new or request renewal of an existing advisory disabled parking bay
Apply for planning permission
Apply for a temporary road closure or restriction
Apply for a death certificate
Apply for a chaperone licence
Apply to close a road for an event
Apply to replace a lost or stolen Blue Badge
Apply for a child performance licence
Venue licences for marriages and civil partnerships
Apply for a body of persons licence
Apply for permission to film in Suffolk
Apply for a safer home visit
Apply to move abnormal loads
Apply for a copy of a civil partnership certificate
Apply to carry out works which could affect a structure on a highway
Apply for a child employment permit
Apply for a No Cold Calling Zone (NCCZ)
Apply to speak at a public meeting
Apply for directional signing for a tourist destination in Suffolk
Apply for consent for works affecting ordinary watercourses
Apply for a definitive map modification order (DMMO)
Apply for new or renewal of existing access protection markings (white 'H' markings)
Children, families and learning
Govern Suffolk
Why govern in Suffolk?
Why govern in Suffolk?
Watch videos and read case studies about school governors in Suffolk.
Meet our school governors
Keith's school governor story
Find out how recently retired Keith puts his years of business experience into a Suffolk school.
Emma's school governor story
Learn how Emma puts her marketing skills into a Suffolk school and manages the time commitment of the role.
Phanuel's school governor story
Phanuel wasn’t educated in the UK but this wasn’t an obstacle when becoming a school governor. Watch how he is putting his skills into a Suffolk school.
Michelle's school governor story
Explore how Michelle found a way into her community and made new friends at the same time by becoming a school governor.
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