
In December 2009, the Schools Adjudicator approved the following changes to schools in Beccles.

Barnby and North Cove CP School
In September 2011, children will remain at this school into Year 5 and in September 2012, they will stay on into Year 6. The admission number will be reduced to 10 places per year.

Brampton CEVCP School
In September 2011, children will remain at this school into Year 5 and in September 2012, they will stay on into Year 6. The admission number will be reduced to 10 places per year.

Crowfoot Community Primary School
In September 2011, children will remain at this school into Year 5 and in September 2012, they will stay on into Year 6. The admission number will be reduced to 45 places per year.

Ravensmere Infant School
The age range of the school will not change Reception to Year 2. From September 2011 the admission number will be reduced to 20 places per year.

Reydon Primary School
In September 2011, children will remain at this school into Year 5 and in September 2012, they will stay on into Year 6.

Ringsfield CEVCP School
In September 2011, children will remain at this school into Year 5 and in September 2012, they will stay on into Year 6. The admission number will be reduced to 10 places per year.

Southwold Primary School
In September 2011, children will remain at this school into Year 5 and in September 2012, they will stay on into Year 6. The admission number will be reduced to 10 places per year.

The Albert Pye CP School
In September 2011, children will remain at this school into Year 5 and in September 2012, they will stay on into Year 6. The admission number will be reduced to 40 places per year.

Worlingham CEVCP School
In September 2011, children will remain at this school into Year 5 and in September 2012, they will stay on into Year 6. The admission number will be increase to 60 places per year and the school will move to the site of the current Worlingham Middle School.

Beccles Middle School
There will be no admission to this school in September 2011 and the school will close in August 2012. The site will be used by Sir John Leman High School.

Worlingham Middle School
There will be no admission to this school in September 2011 and the school will close in August 2012. The site will be used by Worlingham Primary School.

Sir John Leman High School
From September 2012 this school will admit children from the age of 11 to 18. There will be 240 places available in each year group.

More information regarding these schools can be found on the A-Z of Schools