School details, admission policies and Supplementary Information Forms 2025/2026

List of schools and how places will be offered for the 2025/2026 school year.

Click on the schools in the list below to help you to understand how places will be offered for each school you are interested in for the 2025/2026 school year. They also include:

  • Contact details for each school
  • The number of places in the year group which is known as the Published Admission Number (PAN)
  • The admissions policy which includes the oversubscription criteria used to rank applications. Please note: All community and voluntary controlled schools, and some academies and voluntary aided schools follow Suffolk County Council’s admissions policy and so will be linked to our policy.
  • The Supplementary Information Form (SIF), if applicable.

Find out how to make an application for a primary (including infant and junior) school for the 2025/2026. school year

Find out how to make an application for a secondary school for the 2025/2026 school year.