Improving SEND Services in Suffolk

Over the last few years, we have embarked upon a journey to improve all aspects of our SEND provision. You can read more about some of the work we are undertaking below.

SEND Strategy 2021-2023

Our SEND Strategy outlines the priorities we are working towards to improve SEND Services in Suffolk, and informs the direction of all our programmes of work. You can read more about it and download the strategy on our SEND Strategy page on our Local Offer website.

SEND Capital Programme

In 2019, we announced our plan to provide more than 800 new specialist education places for children with special education needs and disabilities. We call this our SEND Capital Programme. This Programme will see a total investment of more than £45m from Suffolk County Council and the Department for Education, and you can read more about our progress on the SEND Capital Programme page on our Local Offer website.

SEND Independent Review 2021

In 2021, we commissioned a team from Lincolnshire, including Lincolnshire County Council and the Lincolnshire SEND parent carer network, to carry out an independent review of SEND Services in Suffolk.

You can read the final report and our progress against it's recommendations on the Independent Review page on our Local Offer website.

Suffolk Area SEND Partnership Self-Evaluation Summary

This is a summary for parents, carers, young people and practitioners across education, health and social care services about the impact of our local area partnership arrangements on the experiences and outcomes of children and young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND).​

Children's expert makes recommendations to strengthen SEND services in Suffolk

In 2023, Suffolk County Council commissioned Anthony Douglas CBE to further strengthen our work to reform SEND Services by meeting with families, practitioners and leaders to focus on how services are impacting the everyday experience of families of children and young people with SEND.

You can read his full letter on the Suffolk Local Offer Inspections and Evaluations page.

Further Information

For more information on the work we are doing to improve our SEND provision and how we manage the oversight of this, you can visit the Improving SEND Services in Suffolk section of our Local Offer website.