Suffolk education mental health lead network

This network is for staff that work within an education setting.

What is the Mental Health Lead Network?

The Mental Health Lead Network is a network that has been set up for educational staff, and has been running for the last year. Our network continues to grow and develop with educational settings across the whole of Suffolk and here is feedback from our members. We welcome any staff within our education settings who work to support mental health and wellbeing in some way (not just designated Mental Health Leads).

What our members are saying about our network:

"Innovative, inspirational and influential -a network which makes a huge difference to staff and students. - Westbourne Academy.

"This is the only network of its kind, without it we would be on our own. It was a big ask of the DfE for all settings to have a senior mental health lead - a role that adds additional responsibility to our already very busy jobs! I am sure I speak on behalf of everyone who attends the network - I couldn't do this without support of this group. - Suffolk New College. 

How can my school/setting join the network?

If someone from your setting/school would like to join our network meetings, please contact us 

Please see below all of our network meeting dates for this academic year - we are currently arranging more dates to come.

Government Funded Senior Mental Health Lead Training
The Department for Education is offering a grant of £1,200 for eligible state-funded schools and colleges to train a senior mental health lead. The grant will support your education setting to develop and implement a strategic whole school or college approach, supporting you to promote children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. To find out more and apply online, visit: Education and Skills Funding Agency website or read the DfE PowerPoint guidance below. You can learn more about supporting mental health and wellbeing in school on

Download the DfE Senior Mental Health Lead Training Guidance Powerpoint

Mental health lead network meetings sessions 2024

Mental health lead network meeting sessions 2023

Mental health network meetings in 2022

Useful links

Those with mental health lead responsibilities in their setting may find these links helpful, alongside opportunities to join information sharing networks.

National Network of Mental Health Leads – The UK body for Mental Health and Wellbeing Leads 

Senior mental health lead training 

DfE Senior Mental Health Leads Course - Three Eggs Training   

Anna Freud Mental Health and Wellbeing School Timetable - It includes curriculum themes and occasions linked to mental health for the 2022 spring term, with activity ideas and suggestions for each theme.

Mental health and wellbeing calendar: autumn term 2023 : Mentally Healthy Schools - Dates for Mental health awareness days.

Resource library : Mentally Healthy Schools - for lots of resources and ideas to use in schools (primary, secondary and further education).

Mental Health Lead in your setting Questionnaire - We are interested in how you are finding your role as Mental Health Lead in your setting. We would be so grateful if you would take a few minutes to complete our short Mental Health Lead Questionnaire