Suffolk education mental health lead network

This network is for staff that work within an education setting who are interested in supporting mental health and wellbeing (you don’t have to be the designated Mental Health Lead)

What is the Mental Health Lead Network?

The Mental Health Lead Network is a network that has been set up for educational staff, and has been running since 2021. Our network continues to grow and develop with educational settings across the whole of Suffolk and here is feedback from our members. We welcome any staff within our education settings who work to support mental health and wellbeing in some way.

What our members are saying about our network:

"Innovative, inspirational and influential -a network which makes a huge difference to staff and students. - Westbourne Academy.

"This is the only network of its kind, without it we would be on our own. It was a big ask of the DfE for all settings to have a senior mental health lead - a role that adds additional responsibility to our already very busy jobs! I am sure I speak on behalf of everyone who attends the network - I couldn't do this without support of this group. - Suffolk New College. 

How can my school/setting join the network?

If someone from your setting/school would like to join our network meetings, please contact us 

Mental Health Lead Network meetings this academic year:

Date Time Location
8 May 2025 9am to 1pm Endeavour House (more details below)
20 March 2025 3:45pm to 4:45pm Virtual
25 February, 2025 3:45pm to 4:45pm Virtual
12 November 2024 3:45pm to 4:45pm Virtual
25 September 2024 3:45pm to 4:45pm Virtual

Please see further down the page for details of topics covered, and links to any materials shared within these sessions.

Mental Health Lead Network planning for next academic year:

Date Time  Location
18 September 2025 3:45pm to 4:45pm Virtual

Please come along for all or part of this meeting if you either have any feedback on the MHLN so far, or if you have any ideas for topics, visitors, activities for the year ahead. You can still contribute reflections, suggestions or questions, if you cannot attend.

Please contact us if you need us to email you the meeting invite:

Mental Health Lead Network extended ‘in person’ meeting on 8 May 2025

This will take place at Endeavour House from 9am to 1pm (exact timings, speakers and format to follow)

The theme of this year’s event is: Gathering and Learning from Pupil Voice. We will be hearing from a variety of speakers on this topic and affording related networking opportunities. If you would like to attend this event, please email us at:

Government Funded Senior Mental Health Lead Training

The Department for Education is offering a grant of £1,200 for eligible state-funded schools and colleges to train a senior mental health lead. The deadline for this is 31 March 2025. The grant will support your setting to implement a whole school or college approach, to supporting your pupil's mental health and wellbeing. Visit: Education and Skills Funding Agency website or view the DfE PowerPoint guidance below. You can learn more about supporting mental health and wellbeing in school on

Download the DfE Senior Mental Health Lead Training Guidance Powerpoint

Mental health lead network meeting sessions from 2025

Mental health lead network meeting sessions from 2024

Mental health lead network meeting sessions from 2023

Mental health network meetings from 2022

Useful links

Those with mental health lead responsibilities in their setting may find these links helpful, alongside opportunities to join information sharing networks.

National Network of Mental Health Leads – The UK body for Mental Health and Wellbeing Leads

Senior mental health lead training

Home : Mentally Healthy Schools a great ‘go to’ place for many things related to mental health and wellbeing in UK education settings. It includes guidance, resources, training, intervention evidence bases and signposting.

Measuring pupil wellbeing – includes freely available resources for schools to measure the wellbeing of its pupils

Promoting children and young people's mental health and wellbeing - GOV.UK – a great starting document for settings to use to reflect on policy and practice related to mental health and wellbeing.