Chloe - The Mix

How Chloe became a Domestic Abuse Champion.
Portrait image of Chloe smiling and wearing glasses.

My name is Chloe and I work for The Mix, a youth charity based predominantly in Stowmarket.

I am a youth worker and became interested in becoming a Domestic Abuse Champion because we were meeting with increasing numbers of young people who were affected by domestic abuse.

The training was really informative, particularly the follow up DASH training. I am part of the safeguarding team and was able to use this training and the practical information from it to support young people we were working with much more effectively and ensure they got the right support quickly. I feel so much more equipped to support anyone affected by domestic abuse adequately now I have the training and the network behind me.

Because of my experience, I am now hugely passionate about getting everyone on my team trained. I recently took on our violence against women and girls project, which I would never have felt prepared for prior to becoming a Domestic Abuse Champion.

I would say to anyone considering becoming a champion - do it. You being trained could be life-changing for someone else.


Many organisations struggle to support people experiencing Domestic Abuse and are sometimes not confident enough to talk to someone about it or encourage them to disclose.

Our Domestic Abuse Champions offer consistent information, advice and support which is helping to bring lasting positive changes for victims across Suffolk. Reaching victims as early as possible will prevent further harm.

To find out more about Suffolk’s Domestic Abuse Champions, visit the Domestic abuse and sexual violence pages.

To book free Domestic Abuse Champions training, visit the booking page.