Councillors and elected representatives

Find out who your councillor is, what they do, and how to complain about them, as well as details of other elected representatives.
County councillors
Find your councillor, learn what their duties and responsibilities are, and read about the current political make up of the county.
Register of member's interests
About the Register of member's interests relating to Suffolk County Councillors.
Councillor's Locality Budget
Information about Suffolk County Councillors' locality budgets for 2024/2025 and how you can apply to your councillor for locality budget grant.
Making a complaint about a councillor
Submit a complaint to the Monitoring Officer if you're unhappy with the conduct of a county councillor in Suffolk.
Members of Parliament
List of Members of Parliament for Suffolk
Co-opted Members and representatives from partner organisations
About Co-opted Community Members and representatives of partner organisations.
Leader of the Council
The roles and responsibilities of the Leader and Deputy Leader of Suffolk County Council and their contact details.
Chairman of the Council
The roles and responsibilities of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council and their contact details.

Find your councillor

You're represented by a county councillor, who's elected every four years. Find your councillor is by searching their name, electoral division or political party.

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