Leader of the Council

The roles and responsibilities of the Leader and Deputy Leader of Suffolk County Council and their contact details.

About the Leader

The Leader of the Council is elected for a four year term, at the first annual meeting of each council term.

The role of the Leader is to provide effective leadership to Suffolk by managing and leading Cabinet. They develop and approve policies, strategies and plans of the council, except those which are subject to approval by the council.

They also act as an ambassador for the county by being a spokesperson, and promote the work of the county council.

Leader of the Council

Councillor Matthew Hicks

The Leader of the Council is Matthew Hicks.

Contacting the Leader of the Council

Phone: 01473 260535

Mobile: 07824 474741

Email: matthew.hicks@suffolk.gov.uk

Councillor Matthew Hicks

Deputy Leader of the Council

Councillor Richard Smith MVO

The Deputy Leader of the Council is Richard Smith MVO.

The Deputy Leader of the Council deputises for the Leader when he is not available.

Contacting the Deputy Leader of the Council

Email: richard.smith@suffolk.gov.uk

Councillor Richard Smith MVO

Councillor role profiles

Suffolk County Council has developed role profiles which give an indication of the skills a councillor may need and responsibilities they may have during their term of office.