Small grant applications

Small grants are up to £1,500 and can be used to support capital and revenue projects.

There is no application form for this fund. Applicants present their project request to a small panel. Information on who can apply and the purpose of the fund can be found on the project overview page. When you present your project to us we will ask you a series of questions.

Applicants will be asked to:

  • Describe your idea
  • Explain why you want to do it
  • Describe how you will do it
  • Explain how much it will cost and how the cost has been calculated

When doing this we will need applicants to:

  • Describe the people you expect to reach, how you will reach them and how they will benefit.
  • Describe what they have done before and show evidence that this has been done

Grants will be awarded in principle, on the basis of the discussion. Applicants who are awarded a small grant in principle will be asked to complete a short form before the grant is paid. The form can be downloaded below.

If you would like to discuss your application please book a conversation.

Presentation sessions for small grants will be held on:

  • Monday 17 March 2025 - booking will open on Monday 2 December 2024 and close on Friday 7 March 2025.
  • Monday 14 July 2025 - booking will open on Tuesday 18 March 2025 and close on Friday 4 July 2025.
  • Monday 15 September 2025 - please book your presentation - bookings open on Tuesday 15 July 2025 and close on Friday 5 September 2025.

The form asks you to show:

  • What type of organisation you are and your values
  • How you are structured
  • That you have a bank account
  • That you have appropriate policies and procedures in place
  • That you have a budget

There is no need to complete the form before the presentation. We will only ask you to complete this form if we have seen your presentation and agreed to fund the project in principle. We will write to you and ask you to complete the form.