Major infrastructure projects, including NSIPs

Suffolk sees many major infrastructure projects coming forward. Some of them are Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs). Find out more here.

Suffolk's role in major infrastructure projects

Suffolk County Council has a key role in major infrastructure projects as a statutory consultee, and a representative of our communities, but is not a decision maker for these projects. SCC is recognised nationally as a Centre of Excellence for NSIPs and has developed significant levels of expertise to deal with these projects.

We offer information about major infrastructure projects in Suffolk, guidance for project promoters. We also offer to share our expertise to other local authorities involved in NSIPs.

Offshore wind farm
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) in Suffolk
Information about NSIPs in Suffolk, including Sizewell C.
Major infrastructure projects in Suffolk (Non-NSIP)
Information about Major Infrastructure Projects in Suffolk, which are not consented through the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) regime.
NSIP information for individuals and businesses
How individuals and businesses with interest in land affected by an NSIP can engage with the process.
NSIP information for town and parish councils
Guidance for affected town and parish councils on how to engage in NSIP processes.
Local authorities, including Suffolk’s NSIP Centre of Excellence
Our NSIP Centre of Excellence offer for local authorities, including guidance for local authority officers.
NSIP information for developers and project promoters
Suffolk County Council’s expectations and guidance for developers and promoters of NSIPs in Suffolk.