Our Energy and Climate Adaptive Infrastructure Policy and Strategic Engagement

Our policy setting out our approach to dealing with proposals for critical energy and climate adaptive infrastructure, and our engagement with Government departments and agencies.

To limit climate change impacts and increase energy security in the UK, there is a need for multiple electricity generation and connection projects, with many being proposed in Suffolk, in order to achieve Net-Zero carbon emissions by 2050.

The communities, environment, and economy of Suffolk, face climate adaptation challenges from the availability of water, and the impacts of rising sea levels. Therefore, it is anticipated that a succession of projects, including pipelines, reservoirs, and desalination plants, will be required to mitigate these issues.

We want people to know what we’re working to achieve, in order to:

  • Minimise and mitigate negative impacts on the environment and communities of Suffolk.
  • Maximise the benefits to Suffolk’s economy and supply chains, employment opportunities, skills, and training provision.

This is set out in detail in Suffolk County Council’s Energy and Climate Adaptive Infrastructure Policy, that was approved by the County Council Cabinet on the 16 May 2023. This supersedes the Policy approved by the Cabinet on 23 February 2021. The policy is reflecting the substantial experience of the Council in dealing with major infrastructure, reflected in its national recognition as a NSIP Centre of Excellence.

The County Council has published a number of supplementary guidance documents for developers of NSIPs, to support the Energy and Climate Adaptive Infrastructure Policy. These can be found on the NSIP information for developers page.

Our engagement with Government departments and agencies

In order to influence Government policies and plans, Suffolk County Council regularly engages with Government departments and agencies, including responding to their consultation. The list below provides key documents and letters submitted by the Council.

Contact us

Contact Phil Watson - Strategic Energy Projects Manager