Norwich to Tilbury is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) proposal being developed by National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET), to build a new 400kV electricity transmission line between Norwich and Tilbury. The entire scheme is 179 kilometres (111 miles) in length and crosses parts of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex. The Suffolk section is 53 kilometres (33 miles in length) and crosses parts of Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils. The scheme also crosses the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Dedham Vale AONB) on the border with Essex.
Suffolk County Council is a statutory consultee, and a decision would ultimately be taken by the relevant Secretary of State, if an application for development consent is submitted.
The proposals have been subject to a non-statutory consultation, held by National Grid between the 21 April and 16 June 2022.
Planning Inspectorate page:
Norwich to Tilbury | National Infrastructure Planning (
Project page:
Norwich to Tilbury | National Grid ET
National Grid held a second stage of non-statutory consultation between 27 June and 21 August 2023.
SCC Response to Norwich to Tilbury Non-Statutory Consultation Stage 1.
Find out more about the proposals on National Grid’s East Anglia Green project website.
SCC Response to Norwich to Tilbury Non-Statutory Consultation Stage 2.
Norwich to Tilbury Statutory Consultation response Cabinet report dated 21 May 2024
The Norwich to Tilbury Cabinet report was discussed at 37:00 in this video.
Suffolk, Essex, and Norfolk County Councils publish a report analysing the need case for National Grid’s Norwich to Tilbury pylon proposals - 8 November 2023
In June 2023, Essex, Norfolk, and Suffolk County Councils’ jointly commissioned an independent review of the strategic options appraisal for the Norwich to Tilbury pylon and onshore cable transmission line, previously prepared by National Grid.
The independent review of National Grid’s strategic optioneering appraisal process was undertaken by Andy Hiorns, of Hiorns Smart Energy Networks, at the request of Essex County Council, on behalf of the joint councils, the commission will be paid for by National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) under the terms of a Planning Performance Agreement. The report helps the three county councils understand the strategic optioneering appraisal process. The report reviews the case for, and timeline of, electricity transmission capacity out of the East Anglia region, by 2030.