Request a flood map

Find out how you can request a map which displays fluvial and pluvial flood risk across Suffolk.

Sometimes it can be helpful to know whether your land or property is at risk from flooding. Using data from the Environment Agency, Ordnance Survey, and our own database of previously reported flooding incidents, we can provide you with this information.

Upon request, we will provide you with two maps:

  • Both will contain information on previous flooding reports which we have recorded from incidents 
  • The first will contain a predicted pluvial (surface water) flooding outline. This gives a representation of where you might expect to see flooding from rainwater after storms of varying intensities
  • The second will contain a predicted fluvial (river water) flooding outline, shown as Flood Zone 1 and 2. It may also include historic flooding records showing the combined extents of known flooding from rivers, the sea, and groundwater. . This gives a representation of where you might expect to see flooding from watercourses after storms of varying intensities

Please note: We will not provide information on predicted flooding from tidal or sea floods. To find out whether an area might be at risk please use the "Flood Map For Planning" by the Environment Agency, or contact your local district or borough council

See an example of a typical flood map in Suffolk (PDF, 1.4MB).

What we need from you

To complete your request we will need:

  • Details of the address or area which you would like the maps created for. The more information you can give us about this, the more likely it is that the maps will contain useful information
  • Your reason for needing a flood map. For example, you may need one if you are intending to buy a new property and would like to know the flood risk in the area  

Please send your request to the Flood and Water Management Team using