Grass cutting

About the grass cutting process, how often grass will be cut alongside roads in Suffolk, programmes and how to report a grass cutting problem.

All verges adjacent to the public highway are cut for safety purposes to maintain visibility at junctions, and to ensure that road and pavement widths are not reduced.

In areas where there are no pavements, there may be a need to provide a safe refuge on the highway verge for pedestrians, particularly near busy roads.

The full 2025 grass cutting programme for the rest of Suffolk will be published once the programme is finalised.

To search for a particular area of interest, open the PDF programme and press Ctrl + F

Please be advised that the grass cutting programmes are flexible, so we may work +/- 1 week either side of the scheduled date shown. This allows for some relatively minor delays to the programme, such as weather. The programme will be updated regularly. 

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