The Parent Hub

A single place for Suffolk parents or carers to find parenting advice and support to help their child's development.
Local support for parents and carers
Local services and advice in Suffolk covering childcare, schools, child mental health services and staying in learning until a child is 18 years old.
Children's health and children's centre services
Information about our children's centres and our children's health services which includes health visiting, school nursing and other specialist services.
National organisations providing support to parents and carers
List of websites and organisations offering support to parents and carers in healthy living, dealing with behaviour and protecting a child from abuse.
Suffolk Family Information Service
Offering free and impartial advice to parents about finding childcare, the funded early education entitlement and other family services for 0-19 year olds.
Applying for a primary or secondary school place, school term dates, schools in Suffolk, school attendance, meals, trip and home to school travel.
What is the SEND Local Offer?
The SEND Local Offer details the services available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Virtual and digital offer

Find information for young people, families and professionals about the virtual and digital offer. This includes virtual group programmes, online courses and advice on family wellbeing, health and education.

A woman and man are smiling at a small boy. The small boy is holding a book and a blue toy. The small boy is smiling.