About the School Nursing service

Information about the Suffolk School Nursing service.

Within Suffolk, our School Nursing teams are part of our Health and Children's Centre Service. We provide a range of services to help you and your family stay safe, happy and healthy.

There are five School Nursing teams across Suffolk. These are:

  • Lowestoft and Waveney
  • North East Ipswich and Coastal
  • South and West Ipswich
  • Central and South Suffolk
  • West Suffolk

We also work alongside other agencies such as:

  • health visitors
  • GPs
  • schools
  • voluntary and community groups
  • other children's services, such as social care

Health for Kids

If you are a parent of a young school-age child the Health for Kids website provides useful information from health professionals that will help you ensure your child's health and wellbeing.

Health for Teens

If you are a young person, the Health for Teens website provides useful information from health professionals about your health and wellbeing.