This page includes useful information and activities to help children and families who are struggling with school attendance due to emotional difficulties, know as EBSA (Emotionally Based School Avoidance)
The advice and resources below are for supporting your child or young person and gain their views.
Talking to your child about their worries
Any child currently avoiding school is likely to become anxious when they are asked to talk about their difficulties or returning to school. A good place to start is to acknowledge that it may be difficult but that you would like to know what they think and feel. If they find it difficult to talk, you could ask them a specific question this might help them start to sort through their fears and feelings. For example:
- What three things are you most worried about?
- Or What three things were you recently worried about?
It is also important to focus on positives:
- What are the three best things about school?
Sometimes children may find it hard to tell you face to face about how they feel, so perhaps you could ask them to write it down - this could be creatively, such as, as a poem, they could text you or draw a picture to help capture their emotions.
Your child or young person maybe anxious about going to school. The below documents may help with supporting them.