Police and Crime Panel

Find details about the role and functions of the Police and Crime Panel.


Tim Passmore was elected as the first Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) in Suffolk in November 2012, and was re-elected for a further four year term in May 2021.

He takes on this role with responsibility for setting the direction and objectives of the Suffolk police force, and for holding the Chief Constable to account.

The Panel's role and functions

The PCC will be challenged and supported by a Police and Crime Panel. The Panel has the role of scrutinising the performance of the PCC, and will challenge and support the PCC's activities over a range of policy areas, including the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan.

The Panel will also have a role in the handling of complaints against the PCC and the confirmation of key staff posts within the Office of the PCC.

The Panel comprises elected members of local authorities across Suffolk working alongside two people who are independent co-opted members. Together the Panel members should reflect the breadth of communities in Suffolk.

The Panel has certain statutory functions, set out in the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011:

  • reviewing the police and crime plan
  • reviewing the PCC's annual report
  • carrying out confirmation hearings for certain senior appointments
  • carrying out confirmation hearings for the chief constable
  • investigating complaints about non-criminal behaviour of the PCC
  • support and scrutinise the effective exercise of the functions of the PCC

Panel meetings

The Panel will meet a minimum of four times a year. Meetings are generally open to the public and will usually be held in the morning. Meetings may take place at different locations so it is advisable to check the location on this website. Full details of the Police and Crime Panel meetings, membership of the Panel, previous meetings and the forward work plan, can be accessed via the Committee section of this website.

Useful Links:

If you would like further information about the Police and Crime Panel please contact: Democratic Services on Telephone: 01473 265119, Email: committee.services@suffolk.gov.uk