Local authorities, including Suffolk’s NSIP Centre of Excellence

Our NSIP Centre of Excellence offer for local authorities, including guidance for local authority officers.

Suffolk County Council is recognised nationally as a Centre of Excellence for the way it deals with NSIPs. Supported by funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ (DLUHC) Innovation and Capacity Fund, the Council has developed guidance and a range of information, to share its NSIP expertise with other local authorities locally and across the country.

NSIP guidance for local authorities

To support local authorities in England and Wales with their engagement in NSIPs (Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects), Suffolk County Council is sharing its experience through a reference guide for local authority officers. The guide builds on the substantial learning gained by the Council through its involvement in numerous NSIPs.

The document serves as both an introduction to NSIPs and a reference guide, highlighting key issues and processes to be addressed at certain stages. It includes:

  • Definitions of key documents, stages, and procedures within the NSIP process, with advice on when to expect them and what to look out for.
  • Guidance and lessons learned for each stage of the process, based on Suffolk County Council's work on NSIPs to date.

Additionally, Suffolk County Council has recorded a seminar providing a basic introduction to NSIPs, based on the available policy and guidance as of November 2023.

A training webinar for Local Authority officers new to, or with limited experience of NSIPs (Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects) produced by the DLUHC funded NSIP Centre of Excellence hosted by Suffolk County Council.

Similar guidance has been made for town and parish councils.

Developer guidance

Suffolk County Council has created guidance for NSIP developers in its locality, including on Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs) and on large solar schemes. These may be of assistance to other local authorities.

Bespoke expert advice for other local authorities

We now offer bespoke virtual (or in-person) training sessions for other local authorities, who are new to NSIPs or would like to develop their knowledge.

The training offers an overview of the process and tips on what to look out for when engaging with NSIPs. The sessions can be focused on the specific types of NSIPs in your area.

We are also happy to consider other options to share our expertise, for example peer reviewing your NSIP set-up.

For more information, please email NSIPs@suffolk.gov.uk.

NSIPs Centre of Excellence materials

In 2022/23 and 2023/24, Suffolk County Council’s NSIP Centre of Excellence has been successful in securing funding for seminars and conferences for local authorities involved in NSIPs.

You can view information and PowerPoint presentations from our previous seminars.

Contact us

You can email the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project Team at NSIPs@suffolk.gov.uk.