Suffolk Fire and Rescue performance

We use statistics to find areas of improvement, set our priorities as a fire service and check the quality of service we provide.

We use internal fire station and health and safety audits to make sure we meet our legal requirements and organisational policies. Your complaints and feedback are also used to judge our performance.

Information, data and statistics

We use various data sources to measure our performance. We've explained what they are and where you can find them below, so you can see how we are doing for yourself.

Speed of response

This measures how long we take to respond to 999 calls. It is measured from when our firefighters are first alerted of an incident up to the time when they arrive there.

You can find national statistics on response times by fire and rescue services in England and the severity of fires on GOV.UK.

Fire statistics

All fire statistics are published on GOV.UK in the areas listed below:

  1. Related content
  2. Incidents attended
  3. Dwelling fires attended
  4. Non-dwelling fires attended
  5. Deliberate fires attended
  6. Fatalities and casualties
  7. Cause of fire
  8. Smoke alarms
  9. Temporal and seasonal
  10.  Non-fire incidents
  11.  Response times
  12.  Workforce and workforce diversity
  13.  Fire prevention and protection
  14.  Fire pensions
  15.  Other, e.g. fire stations and appliances by fire and rescue authority

These are collected and published by The Home Office annually. 

Find all data and information about Fire and Rescue Services in the National Fire and Rescue Service Fire Statistics Monitor.