If you look after someone with dementia, you are probably a carer. Caring for someone with dementia can take an emotional toll, and it is important to look after yourself. For further information and advice:
Help supporting someone with dementia
It can be helpful to understand some of the challenges and difficulties faced by people with dementia, to help support them. This can include finding out how best to communicate, psychological and emotional impacts, and also being aware of some of the behavioural changes that people with dementia can experience.
Carer's assessments
As a carer, you are entitled to a carer’s assessment. Further information also can be found on:
Breaks and respite
You can arrange for someone else to help with carer responsibilities. For further information please see:
Planning for Emergencies
You can plan for emergencies with a Family Carer Emergency Plan which sets out in advance what will happen to the person you care for in the case of an emergency.
If you are also worried that the person you care for is at risk of getting lost, it is helpful to think ahead and complete a “Herbert Protocol” form in advance, which can save valuable time in finding the person should they disappear.
The form can be handed to the police to reduce the time taken in gathering this information and inform the investigation to locate them more quickly, safeguard them more effectively, and return them to safety before any harm can come to them.
If you are a family carer, relative or a care provider we recommend you look at the relevant information on the webpages below, which includes links to the Herbert Protocol form. This should be downloaded, completed, and kept safely, in case the person you care for goes missing.