
Find support to manage dementia and memory loss, including information about living at home, caring for someone and legal matters.
Older woman doing crossword puzzle

What is dementia?

Dementia causes the brain to deteriorate more quickly than the usual ageing process. Even though it often affects older people, it's important to know that dementia is not a normal part of getting older, and can also affect younger people.

People with dementia experience the condition in different ways. One of the most common symptoms is memory loss. The NHS gives more information about the symptoms of dementia.

Having dementia can have a significant impact on a person and their family and friends. Whether you have dementia yourself, or you're caring for someone who does, it's important to look after yourself, find support and plan for the future.

Getting support in Suffolk

If you're unsure where to start with getting dementia support, you can contact Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Connect Service: Telephone 0333 150 3456 or email

For dementia support for people living in Waveney, please telephone 01603 763556 or email

They can help you, whether you're:

  • having worries about your memory
  • living with dementia
  • caring for someone with dementia
  • a health professional.

Dementia support groups

There are many organisations and services which support people with dementia, their families and family carers in Suffolk, including:

Dementia Friends

Dementia Friends logo

Dementia Friends can get involved with things like volunteering, campaigning or wearing a badge to raise awareness. Why don't you be a Dementia Friend for Suffolk?

Dementia action alliances in Suffolk are local groups who are working to create dementia-friendly communities, aiming to create a more inclusive environment for people with dementia.

Information and advice for people affected by dementia