NSIPs Centre of Excellence 2023/24

Suffolk County Council has received funding in 2023/24 to continue its NSIP Centre of Excellence from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities’ Innovation and Capacity Fund.

The Centre of Excellence will be delivered via the hosting of a series of training seminars and a face-to-face conference on Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs). These events are open and free to attend for district and county council representatives.

Suffolk County Council was recognised by the Government last year for its knowledge and expertise when engaging with NSIPs such as Sizewell C, Lowestoft’s Gull Wing, National Grid upgrades, and offshore wind farms.

The 2022/23 Centre of Excellence page can be found below.

Hosted seminars and presentations

A training webinar for Local Authority officers new to, or with limited experience of NSIPs (Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects) produced by the DLUHC funded NSIP Centre of Excellence hosted by Suffolk County Council.