NSIP information for town and parish councils

Guidance for affected town and parish councils on how to engage in NSIP processes.

Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) and Suffolk County Council (SCC) have produced guidance to help town and parish councils with NSIPs.

Suffolk has a high number of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs), which are at varying stages of the NSIP process, from pre-application to consented.

Following discussions between SCC and SALC, a guidance document for town and parish councils was jointly produced. It focuses on the role of town and parish councils and their responsibilities in the process. These responsibilities are often time-consuming and complicated for parishes.

In this guidance the NSIP process is broken down, document-by-document, providing information and advice to get the most out of an NSIP for town and parish councils.

We hope this guide will be useful for town and parish councils in Suffolk, and across England and Wales.

The SALC website also has guidance for parish and town councils on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) scoping.

Suffolk County Council’s role in discharging NSIP requirements

Suffolk County Council, and respective district councils, have a specific role in discharging requirements of NSIPs once they are being consented.

To guide town and parish councils and members of the public through the process, we have a list of frequently asked questions regarding a Discharge of Requirement applications for Sizewell C, East Anglia One North and East Anglia Two offshore wind farms.