Initial consultation for the proposed safety measures around Flatford Mill area

Information the initial consultation for proposed safety measures around Flatford Mill area

Following concerns raised by the National Trust, regarding vehicle speeds and road safety issues within the Flatford Mill area, and with the support of Suffolk County Council. Suffolk County Council are proposing to implement “No Waiting at any time’ restrictions, pedestrian signage, improved advance directional signage and a two-way section at the entrance of the car park and Flatford. These proposals will guide visitors to the appropriate car parks, reduce vehicles travelling along and blocking Flatford and provide National Trust with the means to provide a specially adapted vehicle to provide a service between the upper car park and Bridge Cottage, for visitors with mobility difficulties. 

We would welcome any comments or concerns that you have relating to the proposal. Any comments that you wish to make can be submitted via e-mail: or by letter to: 

Phoenix House, 3 Goddard Road, Ipswich, IP1 5NP 

All comments must be received by 19 July 2024.

Drawings showing the proposals along with the residents letter can be found below.