Non-statutory consultation to expand Mildenhall Academy

Our consultation on a proposal to expand Mildenhall Academy.

Suffolk County Council (SCC) is consulting on a proposal to expand Mildenhall Academy. The proposal includes the addition of seven general classrooms, offices and additional dining space. SCC have been working closely with the leadership of the Academy and Concertus Design & Property to design the extension of the site on Sheldrick Way. The current PAN (Planned Admission Number) will not increase but will enable the Academy to remove the modular units currently on site. The proposed school is programmed to open in January 2026.

Draft plans will be displayed at the entrance of the Mildenhall Hub on Sheldrick Way.

This non-statutory pre-application planning consultation will enable us to gather the views of parents and local residents prior to the submission of the planning application. It does not affect the right to comment on the proposals during the statutory planning consultation process.

You can view the plans for the proposed development below:

Have your say

We welcome your feedback on the proposal. You can complete an online survey or you can download a comment for here:

The comment form can be returned to:

Mildenhall Academy Consultation, Schools Infrastructure Team, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2BX

Comments must be submitted by Monday 30 September 2024.