Suffolk County Council as highway authority, is responsible for ensuring the safe delivery of roads required by developers to facilitate new residential developments.
Suffolk County Council will consider adoption and maintenance at the public expense. All new residential estate roads and associated essential infrastructure, which are considered to provide sufficient public benefit, via the provision of access to developments of six or more dwellings subject to specific criteria being met.
Agreements under Section 38 is the preferred method of securing adoption of new highways. An Agreement, under this section of the 1980 Act, provides a structured robust procedure for the technical approval of the works, regular inspections, and mechanisms through which the works are completed to an appropriate standard and other Council requirements.
SCC Design Manual
This document outlines the requirements for ensuring that new streets in Suffolk meet certain design standards. These standards help to ensure that new streets function in a practical and safe manner and help deliver the aspirations of the county. It’s aim is to provide transport consultants, architects, town planners, urban designers, and developers with straight-forward highway design technical guidance and specifications for street works.